How To Split Double Sided Booklet Scanned PDF
If you scan a book one of the simplest and fastest way to do it is to take the out the clips and feed all double sided pages to the scanner. This is called booklet scanning.
The next step would be to divide the scanned PDF down the middle so that each double sided PDF page gets divided into the two original pages.
Here’s how to split double sided booklet scan using Sejda PDF.
Step 1: Upload the Scanned PDF File
Click Choose File and select the PDF scan from your computer.
If you’re a Chromebook user or prefer cloud storage you can also pick files directly from Google Drive or Dropbox.
Step 2: Adjust the Split Line
By default the page will be split in two exactly equal parts. If your page is landscape mode, it will be split vertically, otherwise horizontally.
In case your scan is not perfectly centered you can adjust the split line by dragging it with your pointer.
Step 3: Reorder Pages to Natural Order
In the booklet scan the pages are not in their natural order 1,2,3,4. The ordering will be something like 1,n then 2,n-1, etc.
To have them reordered to their natural order 1,2,3,4 click More options and select the Repaginate from booklet scan option.
Step 4: Split and Download Results
Click Split and wait for processing to finish. Then click Download to save your result PDF to your local computer.